Join a Student Organization
Joining a Registered Student Organization (RSO) connects you to the campus community, creates friendship bonds, and develops your self-confidence and leadership abilities. Students are encouraged to visit the Student Life office and learn about the many student groups that call St. Mary’s University home. If there is a specific interest that you would like to pursue and no organization exists, our office can help walk you through the steps to start an organization tailored to that interest.
Attend Events Year-Round
Student Life provides on- and off-campus programs and events for all students for free or at reduced costs. Some of our popular campus events include Welcome Weeks, Burgers with the Brothers, Rattlerpalooza, Midnight Breakfast and Battle of the Bands.
Student Government Association
Student Government Association (SGA) is the voice of the undergraduate and graduate students of St. Mary’s University.
SGA co-sponsors events throughout the academic year that align with the mission of St. Mary’s University in order to promote Marianist ideals and improve the general student experience, including Burgers with the Brothers and Dinner with the Deans.

University Programming Council
University Programming Council (UPC) is an organization run by the students, for the students.
UPC is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) that promotes educational, social and diversity events for the St. Mary’s University community through programming and collaboration. The University allots funding for UPC to plan events for students. All UPC-sponsored events are free of charge.
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) at St. Mary’s University strives to empower members of Greek-letter organizations to excel, promote, and preserve the four principles of brotherhood/sisterhood, leadership, scholarship and service.
We invite all students to take part in the FSL experience. The influences will take you beyond your higher education experience. Take the challenge and you will realize that your membership will influence you for a lifetime.

Leadership Programs
The Office of Student Life coordinates a variety of leadership programs and initiatives for the St. Mary’s University Community using Clifton Strengths Assessment. We feel it is important for students to gain leadership skills to enhance both their personal and professional life. You can get involved by joining Emerging Leaders, an 8-week program that occurs every semester.
Visit Us
Student Life
University Center, Second Floor
Contact Us