There’s never a dull moment on campus.
Student Life is committed to evening and weekend programming to enhance the campus vibrancy for all students. We provide on- and off-campus programs and events for all students for free or at reduced costs. Below is just a sample of our many annual signature events.

Welcome Weeks
The first two weeks of the academic year are filled with activities to welcome Rattlers back on campus, including a welcome-back concert.

Burgers with the Brothers
A St. Mary’s University tradition! Students and the Marianist Brothers get together to grill, catch up and play games in Rattler Yard.

Rattler Roundup
Each fall and spring, fraternities, sororities and organizations set up shop in the University Center courtyard to recruit new students to their groups.

Family Weekend
Each fall, Rattlers welcome their families and loved ones to campus for a weekend for music, fun, community and the annual StMU 5K for the Neighborhood.

Rattlerpalooza is an annual fall music festival that usually coincides with Family Weekend. Past acts have included Shelly Lares and Whosah.

Father Chaminade’s Birthday
Each April, campus comes together to celebrate the birthday of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Society of Mary.

Midnight Breakfast
A favorite among Rattlers, Midnight Breakfast is a biannual event to help fuel students for finals. Students are treated to a free breakfast-for-dinner and door prizes and, in the fall semester, compete in an ugly Christmas sweater contest.

Homecoming Week
This spring tradition includes crowning of Homecoming Royalty, week-long events and Baby Bake — a private mini-Oyster Bake event for the campus community.

Battle of the Bands
Battle of the Bands is an annual Homecoming tradition featuring students, faculty, staff and alumni bands competing for a spot at Oyster Bake.

Golf Cart Parade
The Golf Cart Parade is an annual Homecoming competition between student organizations for the best-decorated cart.

Therapy Dog Visits
Each semester, therapy dogs pay a visit to campus to ease students’ stress of midterms and finals and, of course, to receive cuddles and pets.

Trivia Nights
Students flock to The Pub at St. Mary’s for bi-weekly trivia nights for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights.

Movie Nights
Students hit up their favorite spots around campus, including the pool on hot days, for this monthly tradition in the fall and spring semesters.
Student Life
University Center, Second Floor210-436-3436