Catholic and Marianist Education
Brothers of the Society of Mary (Marianists) brought Catholic education to San Antonio when, in 1852, they opened St. Mary’s Institute. St. Mary’s University, an outgrowth of the brothers’ first educational undertaking, committed itself to the Marianist ideals of academic excellence, ethical commitment and service to the community.

Hispanic Faith and Culture
St. Mary’s University has a culturally diverse community, with a large portion of the student population that is Hispanic. University Ministry has established a ministry outreach for Hispanic students to help them adjust to college life and learn more about one’s culture and faith.

Pastoral Care
Whether you’ve reached a fork in the road, are facing a crisis or could simply use some guidance in your spiritual life, University Ministry’s pastoral team is here to help. Our team understands that your experience is unique to you, and we offer spiritual direction, support services and vocation discernment services to meet your needs.
University Ministry’s Catholic ArtWay
In Fall 2021, University Ministry and the Department of Art teamed up for an innovative collaboration. Students in Professor James Joffe’s Color Theory class painted Catholic-inspired artwork that would become the mural on the front of the University Ministry Office in the Center for Life Directions.
Bishop Gary Janak, Chancellor of Archdiocese of San Antonio, gave the reflection for blessing during the unveiling event. Read his speech.

After being a part of a Marianist community in high school and now St. Mary’s University, it’s easy to say that their charism has seamlessly become a part of me. Once you realize how inclusive and welcoming the Marianist community is, it becomes one you never want to leave.”
Andrew Ponce
Political Science major
Upcoming Events and Masses
Prayer Requests
If you would like to request prayers for yourself, a loved one, or some situation that is in your heart, use the form below to send your request to Fr. John Thompson, S.M. He will make sure that your request is offered to God with the prayers of the St. Mary’s community in a confidential manner.