Student Health Center at St. Mary’s
The St. Mary’s University Student Health Center is committed to providing quality primary health care to students and to supporting the Catholic, Marianist mission of the University. This includes caring for students who are ill or injured, providing preventative care such as immunizations and health education, and providing community referrals for services beyond the scope of care provided by the Student Health Center.
The clinic is staffed by one physician and a physician assistant.
Helpful Links
All currently enrolled students of St. Mary’s University are eligible to receive care at the Student Health Center. Spouses and children of enrolled students, faculty and staff must seek care outside of the Student Health Center.
For those students enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan, there is a co-pay per office visit for covered services. Students who have other insurance or have no insurance will be responsible for the cost of the office visit and any additional charges for lab, medications and procedures performed in the clinic.
Students with other insurance (i.e. CHIP, Humana, Tricare, etc.) will have services charged to their student business account. It is up to the student to file a claim with their insurance company for reimbursement. The Student Health Center does not guarantee reimbursement from other insurance carriers.
Services at the Health Center are available for, but not limited to, the following:
- Acne management
- Annual pap smears
- Asthma management
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Diabetes screening
- STI screening
- Immunizations
- Laceration repairs
- Physicals — sports, travel, general
- Laboratory testing
- Study abroad medical clearances
- Suture removal
- Treatment of acute illnesses
- Tuberculosis screening
How to See the Doctor
Log into Gateway to access the Rattler Patient Portal, where you can schedule appointments online, receive secure messages, download your immunization records and print them from the comfort of your room, or call 210-436-3506 to schedule an appointment.
Regular Hours
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Closed daily from noon to 1 p.m.Hours at the Student Health Center are subject to change.
Availability is limited during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring, Easter and Summer breaks, so please call the office at 210-436-3506 for further details during those times.
Summer Hours
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Office is closed daily from noon to 1 p.m. Limited care available.July
No patient care is available during the month of July. The office is open for administrative purposes only. You can turn in your immunization or health insurance information.
Medical Records Release
If you need to release your personal medical records or on behalf of a student as a legal representative, contact the Student Health Center at 210-436-3506 for assistance.
Health Insurance
All students who live on campus, intercollegiate athletes, and all international students are required to be covered by health insurance that is USA-based and that meets all the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Therefore, students who live on campus, all intercollegiate athletes, and international (F, J, or H Visa) students are automatically charged for the St. Mary’s University-sponsored student health insurance plan. If you wish to opt-out or waive this plan, then you must show proof that you have health insurance by submitting your information online before the 12th class day of the semester that you are entering.
Commuter students registered for 6 credit hours or more are eligible to enroll during the open enrollment period. For more information regarding the student health insurance plan benefits and enrollment, visit stmarytx.myahpcare.com.
Note: If you submit a waiver in the fall semester, you do not need to submit a waiver in the spring semester. However, if you submit a waiver in the spring semester, you will have to submit another waiver in the subsequent fall semester.
Health and Immunization Requirements
New and Transfer Students
All Incoming students should review and complete the following requirements prior to arriving to St. Mary’s University. Students will not be allowed to register for classes or receive a residence hall assignment until this information is received by the Student Health Center.
Required Vaccinations
Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine Requirement (A, C, W-125, Y)
All new students of St. Mary’s University, including transfer and returning students, who are under the age of 22, must submit the Meningitis Vaccine Requirement Form prior to registering for classes. This vaccine is mandated by the State of Texas, and therefore, students under the age of 22, must show evidence of receipt of an initial bacterial meningitis vaccination dose or booster vaccination during the five-year period preceding, and at least 10 days prior to, the first class day of the first semester in which the student initially enrolls at St. Mary’s University. The Meningitis Vaccine Requirement Form can be found in Gateway.
Important: Students who intend to register for classes during an orientation session must submit the Meningitis Vaccine Requirement Form at least one week prior to a scheduled orientation session. Students cannot register for classes until this information is received by the Student Health Center.
Meningitis Vaccine Exemption Process
Students can choose to seek an exemption to the meningitis vaccination for reason of conscience. They must submit the official Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) exemption form to the St. Mary’s Student Health Center. The DSHS Exemption Form may be ordered electronically or may be mailed to you within the USA.
Please note that it may take up to two weeks to receive the DSHS exemption form. Once the form is completed and notarized, it must be mailed or hand-delivered to:
St. Mary’s University
Student Health Center, Box 45
ATTN: Meningitis Vaccine Requirement
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228-8545
Where is the vaccine available?
The meningitis vaccine (MCV4-ACWY, Menveo, or Menactra) can be commonly found at local pharmacies or clinics. We advise that you call to schedule an appointment for the vaccination to ensure that they accept your health insurance and have the vaccine in stock. Please contact the Student Health Center if you need further guidance on how to obtain the vaccine at 210-436-3506. Texas law requires that you submit proof of vaccination 10 days prior to the first day of classes.
Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Requirement of International Students
In addition to the required vaccinations for all new students, international students must complete the Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire/TB Risk Assessment Form and email the form to the Student Health Center at healthcenter@stmarytx.edu prior to the first class day.
TB skin testing (Mantoux) must be performed in the United States. TB blood testing, also known as Interferon Gamma Release Assay for Tuberculosis or IGRA TB blood test can be performed in your home country. You can download the TB Screening Questionnaire/TB Risk Assessment Form from Gateway.
For any questions regarding the TB screening requirement, please call the Student Health Center at 210-436-3506 or email the Student Health Center at healthcenter@stmarytx.edu.
All students should review their immunization status with their private doctor. It is important that you update your immunizations PRIOR to attending St. Mary’s University. The following vaccinations are recommended:
- MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
- Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis)
- Varicella vaccine
- Polio vaccine series
- Hepatitis A vaccine
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- HPV vaccine series
- Meningococcal B vaccine (not the same vaccine mandated by the State of Texas)
- Influenza vaccine (seasonal)
- COVID-19 vaccine
Recommended Vaccinations
Contact Us
Student Health Center
Charles Francis HallPhone: 210-436-3506
Fax: 210-436-3656